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DIRECTV for Shops, Bars & Restaurants

Published on November 27th, 2018 by George Levint

Running a successful business is all about knowing (or finding out) what your customers want and providing that in spades. For most restaurants, shops and bars, a big part of that includes entertainment, and in large part, quality TV. Most service providers make it difficult for businesses to find a plan that doesn’t`break the bank or get you locked into a long-term, steadily increasing contract. In this article, we’ll delve into the different DIRECTV packages available to business owners and whether they’re worth your time and money…

Similar to DISH’s business plans, DIRECTV breaks up their plans via two main categories, public (“Commercial”) and private (“Business”). This is done simply because a public setting, like a bar, that charges admission or survives on food/drink sales inherently has WAY more folks watching and, industry-wide, there’s a 10-20% premium put on those plans. A few examples of “public” places include bars, restaurants, concerts, etc.

Places that fall into the DIRECTV “Private Business” category include shops, offices, waiting rooms and any other areas that, generally, are for employees, customers or clients. This audience tends to be way more fleeting and passive since they’re usually just buying something or focused on sales-related stuff. That explains the $5-$10 lower costs per month for these plans (you also get a few less channels in some plans).

See the table below for the pricing, specs and offers of all the DIRECTV business packages currently available:

Restaurants & Bars
Office/Break Rooms
Business Type
(also includes shops & nightclubs)
(also waiting rooms, lounges, etc.)
90 channels
1st year: $29.99/mo (promo pricing)
2nd year+: $63.99/mo
1st year: $29.99/mo (promo pricing)
2nd year+: $63.99/mo
Entertainment Plan
95-100 channels
Commercial Entertainment PACK
(100 channels)

1st year: $65.99/mo (promo pricing)
2nd year+: $105.99/mo
Business Entertainment PACK
(95 channels)

1st year: $54.99/mo (promo pricing)
2nd year+: $95.99/mo
155-185 channels
Commercial XTRA PACK
(185 channels)

1st year: $79.99/mo (promo pricing)
2nd year+: $156.49/mo
Business XTRA PACK
(155 channels)

1st year: $74.99/mo (promo pricing)
2nd year+: $111.99/mo
Contract terms
(to qualify for promo)
24 month agreement
Included free
Regional Sports network (RSN) fee
Up to $5.99/mo, depending on market

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