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Direct TV Rebate

Last updated on November 12th, 2023 by George Levint

If you’re not familiar with Direct TV’s rebates, you can get more information online at directv.com/DTVAPP/rebates/rebatesCenter.jsp. In order to qualify, go to the website and select the “view my rebates” option. Create an online account or sign in with your username and password if you’re already registered, confirm your email address and submit your information. Once, you account is approved, you can go to the website anytime to update your details. You need to be quick, however, because your rebate application will expire in three months. If you submit the rebate before the installation of your package, you will see the rebate on the very first bill. If you wait until after the installation is complete then you can expect to see it less than two months after DIRECTV receives the application.

Subscribers who qualify for rebates may find their first bill to be higher than they think it should be. There are a few reasons for this, the most common being they may have failed to properly submit their rebate online.  Second, there may be other features attached to the package they applied for that will increase the cost. Subscribers can check the itemized inclusions in the bill through the above website although you’ll need to apply for an online account in order to do so.  Then there’s the equipment leasing fee. Additional receivers are charged at $6.00 every four weeks. The standard monthly package only provides one receiver.

Direct TV provides top quality programming all from the comfort of your own home. Once you order, DIRECTV’s install staff can usually get you hooked up in as early as 24 hours. If you’re not home during the scheduled installation, make sure you ask somebody you trust (and who knows a bit about the process) to help you out.  Regarding receivers, you can use a box that you already own or lease the equipment from Direct TV. The packages provide the most value in terms of technology and the ability to upgrade to additional features. Also, Direct TV makes it super easy to upgrade your equipment with the latest features, programming and special features only available to their customers. And again, make sure you apply for the Direct TV rebate either before or after the installation is complete…trust me, too many customers totally forgot about it and lose out!

In all, a DirecTV rebate is a reward for choosing their services. With savings upwards of $199, it’s no small bonus either. We recommend you get the process started right after your order (either online or over the phone). Don’t let free money go to waste.

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